Parse error: Unexpected token; token 3 expected in file '[inline]' on line 10 Plant list: Hrovatin exotica

List of exotic plants

Codiaeum variegatum or Croton is a hard to grow house plant with brightly colored leaves. Best foliage color develops in high light to semi-sun. Allow the soil surface to dry slightly between...
Monstera deliciosa is a popular foliage houseplant easily recognized by its large glossy leaves that are dissected with deep splits and perforated with oblong holes. In nature, Monstera is an...
Dracaenas are generally rugged, carefree houseplants with a robust and tropical appearance. They are widely used for both home and office plantings. Many tolerate low light conditions. ...
Stunning, tender, herbaceous vine with huge twining stems that climb to 15 feet (4,5 m) with thorns and long linear cladophylls (leaves). ...
Scirpus, also known as Bulrush and Club Grass, is a group of decorative hardy and frost-tender Sedges. The tiny, reddish-brown flowers are produced in spikelets, in the summer. S. cernuus is a tender...