Parse error: Unexpected token; token 3 expected in file '[inline]' on line 9 Hebe pinguifolia - Figwort, Hebe Veronica care

Figwort, Hebe Veronica

Latin name: Hebe pinguifolia
Common name: Figwort, Hebe Veronica
Plant group:
Green plants
Plant family:
Subcontinental climate
Minimal temperature: 8-10°C (46-50°F)
Optimal temperature: 20-22°C (68-71°F)
Recommended place:
bright, am or pm sunlight
Plant form:
shrubby, bushy
Height: 20 cm (7.8 in.)
Flower color:
Repotting: every 24 months (2 years)
Rarity: no
Pytium blight (Helminthosporium, Pythium, Fusarium)
Origin territory:
Australia and New Zealand
Flowering period            
Availability on market            

This is a cultivar (cultivated variety) of a small shrub introduced around 1868. The plant has plum-coloured young stems, a very beautiful grey-green leaves in four ranks and white flowers. Flowers are borne in short clusters in May or June, with a second flush in late summer.


Hebe is a popular edging shrub for tubs, rock gardens and ground cover. The name pinguifolia derives from the Latin pinguis meaning fat - the leaves being thick, because of a heavy, waxy cuticle.


Need a regular to moderate water and good drainage.

Propagate it with seeds or greenwood cuttings in late summer.