Parse error: Unexpected token; token 3 expected in file '[inline]' on line 9 Flower Servant: Hrovatin exotica

Do your plants use Flower Servant? Let your plants grow and flower like never before! Never forget to take care of your plants!

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Catalog - indoor plants

Award for the most inovative project in year 2002

10.01.2005 By: Tomi Hrovatin

Flower Servant is award winning web service that sends you instructions on indoor plant care via email and SMS messages.

Flower Servant takes care for more than 200.000 plants worldwide. It uses real-time weather info and special algorithms to create instructions especially for your plant.

There are some other services like Flower Servant, but only Flower Servant takes care for plants since year 2000!

Give your plants the best! Start using Flower Servant now!